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161125 FBF Week 60 - Herbert Hoover letters with Minthorn Community Church 1929
City of Milwaukie - Communications and Distributions - Publications - Publications- all others
In October and November of 1929, just as the Stock Market was crashing, Milwaukie's Minthorn Community Church sent a donation request to President Herbert Hoover - incredibly, in a matter of days a $50 donation was sent from the White House. The church used the donation (a nearly $700 gift in 2016 dollars) to purchase a stained glass window which can be seen at Milwaukie Covenant Church. Thank you to local historian Adam Wunn for hunting down these amazing letters from the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library! #MilwaukieTBT #FlashBackFriday #POTUS #HerbertHoover Photo Credit: Letters courtesy of Milwaukie Covenant Church and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, Iowa; President Hoover photo retrieved from Wikimedia.