Tuesday, MM DD, YYYY – 7:00 PM

1321 Linn Ave.


Meeting Minutes


Members in attendance


Gail Doyle    Patrick Huskey    Kathleen Huskey    Tony Uzuegbman

Bob Sargent    Brandt Wadsworth  Nita Saxe      William Gifford

Gary Avery    Chris Schubkegel    


7:00 pm  Introductions

William Gifford played Auld Lang Syne – Chair Tony Uzuegbman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.



7:05 pm  Guest Speakers


Jackie Hammond-Williams, Oregon City Farmer’s Market Manager

Encouraging people to attend the winter Market in Downtown on 8th and Main St. the

Framer’s Market started in 2005 and is now in their 9th year.


Kelly Moosbrugger, Oregon City Planning Division, Willamette Falls Legacy


Power Point presentation of master plan for industrial and mixed use zoned area. A

vision is being developed and they are seeking various input. Website is



Pete Walter, Oregon City Planner

Brighton West, Deputy Director of “Friends of Trees”

Volunteer tree planting project and they are reaching out to add more trees to local

parks. They are in the early stages of getting information to neighborhoods. The

funding source is from the “tree mitigation fund”. Their next step is more outreach to

get people involved. Betty Mumm strongly suggested the need of replacing lost trees in

Stafford park


Betty of McLoughlin Place Oregon City Assisted Living

1153 Molalla Ave Oregon City, OR 97045

Presented plan for adding a 17 space parking lot that will also have access to Hillcrest



Detective Brandt Wadsworth, Oregon City Police Dept

Thursday Jan 23rd, 2014 7:00 PM - Neighborhood Watch informational meeting at

the Oregon City Police Dept

Saturday April 19th, 2014 10:00 AM - City wide Easter egg hunt at Rivercrest Park

Tuesday August 5 2014 5:30 - 8:00 - National Night out at Chapin Park



Approval of Meeting Minutes, October 8, 2013 Meeting motion to approve by

Dottie Whyte and seconded by Bruce Whyte with unanimous approval and 1 abstention by X.      


Meeting adjourned at 8:45






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Submitted by ________ – Secretary. Approved on MM/DD/YYYY