General Meeting




Chair Roy Harris called the meeting to order at 6:49 PM.

Attendees: Faith Leith, William Gifford, Joyce Gifford, Roy Harris, Steve Andersen, Bonnie, Deb Derusha, (Anna & Elizabeth Harris)

Guest Speakers

Jackie Hammond-Williams, Oregon City Farmer’s Market Manager

Encouraging people to attend the winter Market in Downtown on 8th and Main

St. the Framer’s Market started in 2005 and is now in their 9th year.


Kelly Moosbrugger, Oregon City Planning Division, Willamette Falls Legacy


Power Point presentation of master plan for industrial and mixed use zoned

area. A vision is being developed and they are seeking various input. Website is


Pete Walter, Oregon City Planner

Brighton West, Deputy Director of “Friends of Trees”

Volunteer tree planting project and they are reaching out to add more trees to

Local parks. They are in the early stages of getting information to

neighborhoods. The funding source is from the “tree mitigation fund”. Their

next step is more outreach to get people involved. Betty Mumm strongly

suggested the need of replacing lost trees in Stafford park


General Business

Postcards due three weeks before General meeting.

Land Use:

 Benchmade Knives expanding

 Beavercreek Concept Plan back to OC Planning Commission after decision by LUBA. Attend meetings or watch videos at city website for progression of the plan.

 Cove Project: plan to build Phase 1 and 2 simultaneously

 Hospital Master Plan still under review

 Newell Creek Canyon: Stakeholder meeting 10/19. Open House December 10th at Jackson Campus (old OCHS). Preferred trails and Phase 1 will be presented.

 William will ask TAC re: adding STOP sign on Fox Lane & Hilltop Ave


 Presentation from Laura Terway on Land Use Policies.

 Other Updates

(Chief’s Advisory?)

Speakers for January 2016 general meeting under consideration:

◦  Officer Rhode

◦  Clackamas Watershed Council? (Roy)

Tower Vista NA: contact Steve Tam? Get info from Katy D.

Next meeting: Steering Committee Dec 1st at Casa Ixtapa.

Next General Meeting: January 5th@ Living Hope Church at 7 PM.

Adjourned 7:45 PM

Respectfully submitted, Joyce Gifford, secretary